Monday, April 30, 2007

Reading recommendations

I will return soon with more pictures from recent Turkish adventures (they will soon end by the way and the focus of my travels shift away from here), but first some accumulated reading recommendations (most of them from the last week or so, and mainly Middle East-oriented, as usual):

Women's Middle East Learning Partnership is an advocacy campaign for equal right to citizenship and nationality for Arab women.

ICG issued a report on Kirkuk, with recommendations for a range of involved parties.

HRW gave out this report on the human cost of rising insurgent attacks in Afghanistan. Amnesty International has several reports of interest on their webpage, but remember to search for the on one the death penalty in Iraq!

Read about an exhibition on historical artefacts found in Gaza.

In Swedish, you can read here an essay from Svenska Dagbladet on the ongoing Israeli debate on history and the founding of the state.

Turkish daily Today's Zaman has a long article on energy policy and the importance of the Caspian basin over the weekend.

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