Friday, July 13, 2007

Summer reading

But as usual the state of affairs is hardly very positive...

...except perhaps the final release of Alan Johnston. here are his own reactions after the ordeal.

Another constructive initiative was launched in 2006 in where Israelis and Palestinians depict their lives "Side by Side" in photos. Photo Voice is one of the organizers.

Also on the nice side is the proclamation of seven "new" Wonders of the World. Next on my "to see"-list is Petra in Jordan, after having actually been to the Great Wall of China, Colosseum in Rome and Taj Mahal (the last one repeatedly). Not that I'd ever tire of it!

And a section on Iraq - with BBC highlighting the number and fate of Iraqi new arrivals to Sweden. International Herald Tribune wrote on the same topic here.

On a similar note is an article (BBC again) and a report released by Minority Rights Group waaay back in February on the situation for minorities, especially some Christian and other religious groups in the turmoil that is Iraq.

Neighbouring Iran is here described (sadly but lovingly, I think) by departing BBC correspondent Frances Harrison.

Anna Dahlberg from Swedish Expressen writes intelligently on Muslims also as the foremost victims of terrorism.

And it is one year since the war in Lebanon of last summer. I'll probably point you to more photos and analyses later, but here is one set of pictures at least (from the BBC).

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