Friday, December 12, 2008

Extreme backlog of links...

This autumn has been more difficult to cope with and confused than I reckoned with. Blogging has been one thing I have not really had a lot of energy for. So I have a absolutely enormous backlog of links to give you. I'll try to give them some structure...

For a time in the early autumn, a renewed US presence in Tehran was floated, here reported by the BBC. Here Per Ahlin in Dagens Nyheter about the discussion on Iran in the US presidential race. National looks at muscle-flexing by Tehran's influential bazaaris.

BBC also reports on an Iranian "women's car".

National reported on the fourth anniversary of Istanbul Modern!

Joschka Fischer wrote an appeal for an Arab Jean Monnet, to father an Arab cooperation like that in Europe - her in Gulf news, but I remember it being published also in Swedish, by Dagens Nyheter.

Gulf News on Syrian-Russian relations echoing the cold war?

Bitte Hammagren för Svenska Dagbladet on reconstructing Beirut and what is forgotten underneath.

National reports on an early Arab highlevel visit in Baghdad, from the UAE. Here also on Kurdish-Arab relations in Iraq and on tribal endeavours to enhance security.

Human Rights Watch reports on developments in Saudi-arabia. Amnesty similarly discusses who seem to be at the receiving end of Saudi legal harshness.

National on ethnic and linguistic mixing in the UAE - very interesting and entertaining! They also ran a whole series on youth in the Arab world, eith very interesting features of the Gulf, not least. BBC looks at the difficulties of dimensioning infra-structure in a boom - Dubai has a sewage problem...

Thomas Gür for Svenska Dagbladet on Turkey and the Caucasus, especially Armenia, against the backdrop of the Georgian war. also in Turkey, the discussion of the Ilisu dam building goes on.

Svenska Dagbladet also reports on the Swedish presence in Afghanistan.

A review from Svenska Dagbladet on Steve Colls book on bin Laden.

A little reminder of the importance of the translator of fiction...

Dagens Nyheter writes on the foreign aid-debate in Sweden and some of the books published on the topic.

Mariza sang in Uppsala, praised here by Svenska Dagbladet.

Swedish tour operators re-discover the Middle East?

Sarah Palin wigs became the rage - I wonder what her stylist does now?

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