Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sweden - reading in February

A number of links didn't really fit into the last posting because they are more focussed on Sweden and Europe.

Mats G Larsson has written on Vikings and their European activities.

Svenska Dagbladet visited a seminar on 100 years of Swedish public diplomacy and dealing with the press. Dagens Nyheter wrote here on the same.

I previously shared a critical link on a Maria-exhibition in Stockholm, here comes the answer.

A reflection from Dagens Nyheter on the debate on marriage rights.

A debate on the research agenda in Sweden.

Europe and european identity are also a topic of discussion.

The activities of the pope have been much in focus recently too.

Honour violence and the incapacity of western society to take care of it's victims is revisited by Dagens Nyheter too.

Swedish politicians have been active in Belarusian politics.

Another outlook to Europe discusses the identity of young muslims in France.

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