Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Alan Johnston

Alan Johnston has today been captive for 99 days. You can still sign the petition for his release. For the 100th day tomorrow, BBC staff are planning a special vigil.

Alan Johnston banner

Hamas threatened to free him by violence recently and had set up some sort of deadline for his release, but it wasn't met, of course. But, a bit more noise has been made on the case in the last few days. I don't know if we dare hope, seeing the way Palestinian politics have been going, but still, we have to cling to hope - on all fronts.

I heard a reporter from Swedish radio (old link) saying recently they had been the first and for a long time the only media outlet to name the alleged captors, by the way!

Update Wednesday, after 100 days in captivity, a summary from Swedish radio P1.

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