Saturday, June 09, 2007

Book recommendation

I am actually still in the process of reading this book, the latest of the Inspector Ikmen-series set in Istanbul by Barbara Nadel. But since it combines several interests of mine, including crime novels, modern Turkish life and carpets (!!!) I cannot help loving it from page 1. It also initially thanks my favourite carpet shop for their expertise help, which of course makes me even more positive in mind! My carpet-budget is far below the featured expats though... but I can't help wondering if I shouldn't have been in the book myself. ;-)

Thank you Barbara Nadel, I really needed this book right now!


An-Lu said...

Hmmmmm! I might buy it. I am a sucker for crime novels as you know!

Sniff said...

Mmm, so am I!!!! I really recommend it, it's a whole series, this is just the latest!