Thursday, August 09, 2007

Harry Potter

Having now read the last (latest?) book on Harry Potter during my vacation, I have to comment on it for you. First, a personal coincidence is that I read the first one also on a Mediterranean island suring a nice vacation with a friend, and the last one on a beach in Cyprus.

I liked it a lot - it ties up nicely with the previous stories and the level of lessons and horrors escalate nicely as Harry and his friends grow older and mature. An interesting feature is the struggle between good and evil and the parallels to our muggle world - but here no-one ever prevails through force alone. Being loyal and caring carries a premium and an important feature of how evil cannot win is that evil does not understand the power of goodness, love and care.

But I have to say the end disappointed me, just a bit - by being too easy, cosy and uncomplicated. When the hallmark of the books really is the many dimensions they carry and how nothing is ever quite what it seems, wasn't that a bit too good an ending?

Anyway, some links here on Harry Potter also, of course. J K Rowling has an official site of course (but when I write this it doesn't seem to have been updated since 3 days before the book release last month...). I haven't really kept up on the Internet fan-discussions ever but there seems to be no end to the forums on this and a full virtual world to explore for fans - I've found 2 here and here for starters.

And lastly two literary critics/comments on it in Swedish, both from Svenska Dagbladet: here and here.

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