Thursday, July 30, 2009

Iran, Afghanistan etc

Developments are still running high over the region... a large number of un-chronological links - but all recommended reading.

First a Friday update link: an article on EU action by 2 Swedish researchers.

Largely from a Swedish perspective, due to the situation of our troops in the north. Also, searching for Afghanistan's buddhist heritage, on Obama's democracy challenges.

To the Swedish aspect, attacks have been numerous in recent weeks: here, here and here.

An analysis of the increased violence here, contextualising the escalation here, networks of supplies, language challenges, escalation again,, meeting the opposition, immigration of young afghan boys to Sweden,

Different voices on the consequences: Nina Hjelmgren, Aftonbladet, defense minister Tolgfors.

On Iranian "facebook police", on prisoners, Swedish golfer supporting green movement, on Iran's managed democracy, religious leaders demand referendum, election campaign funding, regional implications, hunger strike by Ganji, and Ahmedi-nejad's relative weakness, enhanced by today's developments at the cemetery.

On Chinese information activities and consequences for China in the long-run.

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